Friday, July 2, 2010


Here's a link to the blog that got me inspired:

21 Days of Jake

He was inspired by someone else, whom I'm also hoping to link to.

I'll add these links, and other food & diet related stuff, to the sidebar as I find 'em. I found a zero-point food list and added that too.

As an update of my progress, lunch time was upon me before I knew it, and I wasn't really hungry at all. Still ate the salad I packed though. I think, for me, I'll be relying on the crutch of the zero-point foods to get me through the famine days. At least for now. Who knows... maybe after a while, as my body adjusts to reduced calorie intake, I'll be able to go all day without food and just swig water or low-cal sports drinks. I know a lot of this is going to be a mental game, and I really salute those folks that can quit eating cold-turkey... mmmmm... cold turkey sammich.... wait, what!? Oh, yeah, I really admire those folks that can just make up their mind and do something.

My biggest problem, food-wise, is I just never stop thinking about it. I love it so. I already have plans to make one of those zero-point soups from the link.

I'm obsessed.


Jenny B said...

That's basically what I did. I'm doing it 'hardcore' now, but I'm finding I really miss having 'permission' to eat vegetables and stuff on the Down Days.

But this hardcore thing has been good for me just in terms of habit and impulse control, which is my eating downfall. I don't know if I could have pulled it off in the beginning, though. Jake has, but Jake is made of stronger stuff than I am.

Jasper Havoc said...

I'm with you Jen. I've found I need to modify my behaviors slowly, or else I just revert back to old habits after a few weeks.

I really admire Jake for going hardcore right off the bat.