Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 9

Back down to 244 this morning after a feast day. That's cool that I managed to drop that back off after 2 days. Still, it would've been nicer if my weight hadn't bounced back that high in the first place!

I deviated from my plans last night for dinner. I ended up making a sandwich out of 2 slices of ham and the rest of the braised greens. A scoop of the carrot salad on the side. And even a slice of FIL's peach pie for dessert.

Famine day today, and so far, only coffee. Packed a bowl of the soup for lunch, and there's still a serving left if I want to finish it off for dinner. We'll see.

I also found a link to a blog from someone who is in the same CSA as we are, and documenting what we're getting every week and offering recipes. Pretty cool!

Eating my way through my CSA

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