Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 14

Monday morning weight at 244. Famine day. Packed a salad for lunch.

Weekend recap:

Satuday weight was at 242.
Had bacon & eggs for breakfast. I made a bunch of meatballs after cleaning / reorganizing the freezer a bit and grinding up various meat scraps. Had 2 of those as a late lunch. Dinner was some fish & chips and I tried wilting some salad greens in olive oil & garlic as a side dish. Turned out rather nice. Slice of apple pie as a nighttime snack.

Sunday weight was down to 241!
Toast & brown-n-serve sausage for breakfast. Didn't really have lunch, but ate some tortilla chips and Newman's Own Black Bean & Corn Salsa while watching movies. (Also made more of the zero-point veggie soup for the week.) Dinner was spaghetti & meatballs in marinara. We ate late (for us, anyway, at 7:30) so I didn't have any dessert.

So a 3 pound gain over 2 feast days. Not as bad as last weekend, and also unsurprising. I think if I can maintain a net loss of a couple pounds a week in the long run, I'll be happy. This is the beginning of my third week, and so far, I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. And twice this weekend while I was cooking, my pants fell down. Luckily neither of the in-laws were in the kitchen at the time!

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

One thing WW was adamant about when I was doing it was that we NOT check the scale in-between our weekly weigh-ins. I guess they felt that the daily fluctuations in weight would be too discouraging, since it's hard to track the overall downward trend?

I don't know. But a net loss over a week is a good thing, and I'm happy for you. ;)